31 December, 2015

100 day project *day 93

It's day 93, about time to say Good bye to 2015. Thanx good memories and everything happened this year.

Going over with sheep -the year of animal.


*used Watercolour and Pencil.


30 December, 2015

100 day project *day 92

Day 92. A film of the day 'Boy Hood'. Which fimled a boy was getting mature. Was really interesting.

Boy Hood

*used Watercolour and Colour Pencils.


29 December, 2015

28 December, 2015

100 day project *day 90

Day 90. Captivated by Sofia Coppola's artwork for Miss Dior advert.

A funcy girl

*used Watercolour and Colour Pencils.


25 December, 2015

100 day project *day 87

Day 87. Wish a happy day for everybody xx


*used Pen and Colour Pencils.


24 December, 2015

23 December, 2015

100 day project *day 85

Day 85. A film of the day, again. "Restless".
It becomes my favourite.


*used Watercolour.


22 December, 2015

21 December, 2015

20 December, 2015

100 day project as of *day 75

It was a work of day 75 on 13th December. I put it onto instagram though, totally forgotten upload it here :p

A boy
*used Pen.


100 day project *day 82

Day 82. Like Ruth and May, twins fashion model.

Ruth and May
*used Pen and Colour Pencils.

And a doodling.
A girl
*used Pen and Colour Pencils.


100 day pgoject as of *day 73

It was a work of day 73 on 11th December. I put it onto instagram though, totally forgotten upload it here :p


*used Watercolour and Pen.


18 December, 2015

100 day project *day 80

Day 80. Hello from top of the apple :)

On the apple

*used Watercolour, Pen and Colour Pencils.


17 December, 2015

16 December, 2015

100 day project *day 78

Day 78. Figureskating little twins :)

Skating Sisters

*used Pen and Colour Pencils.


15 December, 2015

14 December, 2015

09 December, 2015

100 day project *day 71

Day 71. Was a farewell party. Thanks for leaving colleague :)


*used Watercolour and Colour Pencils.


08 December, 2015

100 day project *day 70

Day 70. One TV commercial which I watched :p At a reunion, an old friend has got fatty.

Fatty x-girlfriend

*used Watercolour and Colour Pencils.


07 December, 2015

100 day project *day 69

Day 69.
Visited Kamakura today. The leaves turning beautifully yellow and intense red. Lucky me, it was the last day that Hase temple was lighten-up.

Hase temple in the end of Fall

*used Watercolour.


06 December, 2015

100 day project *day 68

Day 68. At a complex cafe with music and library in Daikanyama (which is one of the most posh and fashionable area in Tokyo), I spotted! It was funny a boy enjoying the venue far more than adults... me. Amazing.

A hot boy

*used Watercolour and Pencils.


05 December, 2015

100 day project *day 67

Day 67. A girl in lovely rainwear. Saw her on my way to work. Why my illustration often turns out somehow melancholic?

A girl

*used Watercolour and Colour Pencils.


02 December, 2015

100 day project *day 64

Day 64. A bear chiling out. In Muji's body-fit cushion which is my favourite :)

A bear

*used ink and Watercolour.


01 December, 2015